Monthly Archives: June 2022

Clownface: Mask of Fear LIVE on Kickstarter


Hellbound have just had an amazing Sunday at Chester Comic Con, where we met many familiar faces who we have not seen in a long while. It was great to catch up, talk to people, and share our latest work. We even got a celebrity fan as Jet from Gladiators picked up a copy of “Mandy the Monster Hunter: Book of Sea Monsters”. Our online webstore will also be having a bit of an update soon to reflect new and older titles becoming available, so keep an eye out.

We’re also delighted to announce our kickstarter for “Clownface: Mask of Fear”, a full colour 24-page one shot slasher comic, is now up and running. Previously available as a limited run as part of the “Clownface” horror feature film, this campaign is to fund the full print run and get the book out and available to everyone. We’re also using the campaign as an opportunity for you to grab books from our back catalogue of titles, so please check out the campaign here: 

Hellbound Media 2022 Plans


As the Summer approaches, Hellbound Media is finalising its plans for 2022, where we hope to see many of you at a range of different conventions and events. We’ve been at HorrorCon UK and Liverpool Tattoo Con recently, having a great time. Alas we did not get a table this time for MCM London, but hope everyone who did had a fantastic time. We are, however, applying for the next MCM London later this year and we have our fingers crossed.

In the meantime places you will be able to find us, or cons that we are awaiting some confirmation information on, can be found listed below:
Sunday June 19th – Chester Comic Con (confirmed)
July 30th / 31st – Manchester Mega Con (tbc)
Saturday August 20th – Bath Comic and Gaming Festival (confirmed)
Saturday September 10th – Popcorn Comic Con Rotherham (tbc)
Thursday 6th – Sunday 9th October – Grimm Fest Film Festival Manchester (tbc)
November 5th / 6th – Hampshire Horror Con (tbc)
November 12th / 13th – Thought Bubble Comic Festival (confirmed)
December 3rd / 4th – Wales Comic Con Telford Takeover (confirmed)

We hope see many of you there! As well as cons, we’re getting ready to ship out Kickstarter rewards for our “Glambassador Peach” campaign, as well as gearing up for our next – the full print run for the “Clownface: Mask of Fear” horror slasher comic. We’ll update later as more news is available.