Comic Books » Faith Healers

Created by Mark Adams and Matt Warner, Faith Healers is an action horror comic about a group nurses. But these nurses are the descendants of angels (and in one case demons) and offer help to those conventional medicine cannot. And that help invariably ends up with them fighting demons or other nasties.

We are introduced to the word of the Faith Healers by Abi Ryan, a children’s ward nurse, who refuses to give up on a child brought into the hospital at the dead of night. Her actions will take her on a wild adventure in which she discovers that she is descended from angels herself and has been chosen to become a Faith Healer.

The début story of Faith Healers, The Company of Angels, is told over two action-packed issues with art by Tony Emson.

Cover art from Faith Healers - The Company Of Angels #2


May 2012

As the Faith Healers race to help the young girl, Bee, Rathbone's enhanced Demons move in for the kill.


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May 2011

Nurse Abi Ryan hasn't been at All Saint's Hospital long and she already has some demons to face... quite literally.


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